Man, these other guys post way too much.
Here's some Power Metal.
256 vbr / 44mb
Last of my batch of Hosono albums for a while, this album has a mix of a lot of styles and sounds from across the world, it says on the cover "Omni Sound" and "The globe watch tour" and it certainly does live up to that. Few of the tracks are even sung in Arabic and French, it definitely does have that world music feel, though still keeping that signature Hosono sound.
MP3 / 67MB

When auditioning for members they described themselves as wanting to be a Japanese Portishead, there is definitely elements of their music when you listen to them, but I think this band has their own unique sound too. Their music is very hard to find on the internet so I thought I'd share what I've got here, first up is the bands' debut EP.
Crazy-ass freak-folk from 1971. Nothing like it that i've seen from that time period at all. The way all the instruments work harmonically is chaotic and harsh. Lyrical work is very creepy. A very, very dark album. The Prisoner's outro is excellent and The Herald is a hauntingly beautiful piece.
Another album from electronic pop master Hosono, typical Hosono wackiness with this one, only 6 tracks long but it's very enjoyable. "Body Snatchers" is the stand out track for me, ends with a lovely ambient track "Dark side of the Star."
(This here is a special mix of Body Snatchers but it's almost identical to the version on the album)
MP3 / 65MB
Alternative rock/Punk. One of two albums (the other I'll also upload) that were released in 2008. This was one of the first Japanese bands I got into years ago, loved them then and I still love them now. I especially like the singer's raw and often aggressive vocals. The band have had many lineups since their debut in 1997, the only constant being the singer/guitarist Suzuki Yukiko.
MP3 / 66MB
A little less than a year before The Night was released, Mark Sandman collapsed onstage due to various things, such as temperature at the time, and possibly getting stabbed in the chest working as a cab driver. Morphine broke up shortly after this happened.
Electronic music from the 60s. I have absolutely no idea why these guys don't have more recognition than they have right now because in my opinion this is insane. The device they used to pull this off ("The Simeon", named after Simeon Coxe III) was, brilliantly enough, a bunch of oscillators stacked upon one another. This copy uploaded is a 1997 re-release of their first two albums.
Songs about warlocks and curses. This guy was the vocalist on Hella's There's No 666 in Outerspace.
His entire amazing discography is available for free on his bandcamp page.
MP3 / 148MB
An electrifying live set by the Welsh rockers. This is another must listen if you're even partially interested in the band as it shows off just how good they are live.
Recorded live at The London Garage 30th September 2009
Strictly limited to 500 copies.
Slowcore/Sadcore that reeks of traditional folk-rock influence. a bit of segue that adds interesting atmosphere...
If I ever want to space out and envelop myself in music, this is the album I listen to. The entire album feels like a single organic track that's constantly morphing. Each time I listen to it, I discover something new.
If you have any negative preconceptions about trance, put them aside and give this a listen.
FLAC / 497MB
MP3 / 161MB
A recording of one of their live shows circa 2005, at the end of their tour for Tigers I believe. Found it on Archive, thought I'd put out a "canonical" type release for people to get not aware of that site, and to add some album art and proper tags to it. I think it's recorded v0 but I'm not 100% sure. Enjoy!
v0 / 50.9 mb
vedi xoxo ;)
MP3 / 97MB