Tracks extracted from the Jun Togawa & Yapoos Tour - Live '85〜'86 DVD.

I originally created this for personal use but I figured other fans of Jun might appreciate it.

FLAC / 274MB

320kbps MP3 / 114MB

V0 MP3 / 91MB

P.S. Scans of Jun Togawa As a Piece of Flesh will be uploaded whenever I can get a scanner (hopefully in the next couple of weeks).

P.P.S. I haven't abandoned this blog, I just haven't had the time or money to contribute anything. Hopefully that will change soon.

P.P.P.S. Blogspot is supposed to send me email notifications when comments are made on a post, but it almost never does. So if I don't respond to any queries, please let me know via, tumblr, or steam.

P.P.P.P.S. This post is really long


sorry about poor qualllity

128 kb/s mp3 / 20mb

v for vixen

Compilation of early TSMMR demo material that I've collected and more that is no longer available for purchase. Some of this stuff is on too, fyi

320 kb/s mp3 / 140mb

do not buy from good charamel vedi

Korean indie/shoegaze. 6 track EP.

진심을 너에게 by ???? on Grooveshark

MP3 / 30MB


EP, 2012

synthy poppy chinese post-punk



Album from TPO front man Takumi. I personally love this album and there's really not a dull song on it.

Tokyoite by Takumi on Grooveshark

MP3 / 57MB


This short-lived electropop/new wave band only released this album, but this band is notable for featuring members of Yapoos, TPO, Pizicatto Five and Shi-Shonen, it also has both a male and female vocalist so if you like anything like that this is for you.

30TH CENTURY BOY by フィルムズ on Grooveshark

MP3 / 49MB


Includes "Novelty Music for Casual Sex, Bake my Pie (Single), The Baroque Wind Sessions and the Duluth EP. Comment on this post if the link goes down.  "Music for Assholes" not included (individual download below).  Non-singles available for purchase on cdbaby or itunes, singles available (for the most part) on amazon

Various / 296 MB


Bake my Pie (Single)

320 Kb/s Vinyl Rip / 17 MB


Duluth EP

v0 / 37 MB


The Baroque Wind Sessions

v0(?) / 93 MB


Novelty Music for Casual Sex

AAC 320kb/s / 148 MB


Music for Assholes

AAC 320kb/s / 105 MB


(Note: The XXXMas Song and the The Girl From Ipanema is Trying to Kill Me singles are contained on the Novelty Music for Casual Sex album)

アンテナイ by ミーム on Grooveshark
フィヨルド by ミーム on Grooveshark

post-rock with piano and electronic instrumentation. kind of reminds me of Idaho or Mew at parts

no relation to めめ (Meme)

MP3 / 128MB


Now listen. TsuShiMaMiRe is my favorite band. They really are. Good Charamel is a crap record label. They are trying, but not hard enough. There is no English CD release of the album, only digital. Same with GIVING BLOOD! Fuck that. Go import the album any way you can, don't download Good Charamel's copy. It really pisses me off that they are not getting proper support. So download the album, and like all others, if you like it, go BUY it! Support the best all girls band, no, the best band currently together in the world! By the way, this album fucking rules

320 Kbs / 123 Mb

v Update: re-uploaded

Really good pop album from the members of Real Fish and Mio Fou.

Lovely Singin' Circuit by SHI-SHONEN on Grooveshark
MP3 / 78MB


In memory of Mana


Loye Loye (1994) (ID3 tags accidentally say 1992)

320 MP3 / 35Mb

Punish Pungent World (1997)

vbr MP3 / 100mb


update: links fixed

Final album from the fantastic Chinatsu Kuzuu. It includes two re-worked/extended versions of songs from the  St. Agnes' Eve EP which is my favourite from her. You should definitely check her out if you've never heard of her before.

Elaine The Fair by 葛生千夏 on Grooveshark
MP3 /  86MB


 Solid pop album, the first half is very good and flows really well. Second half is alright. Hosono produced.

Day After Day by Urban Dance on Grooveshark

MP3 / 56MB


I know I've been going a bit YMO crazy here but I just had to share another. I know this was part of the Yen Box set but I don't know how rare this is in Japan, but it's certainly very hard to find on the internet. I recently found this on a rapidshare search engine by chance, the filename was just YT, so I thought it was just one of his albums called "Mr Y.T." which I've read it's not one of his best albums. But to my surprise, it was this little gem.

It's a collection of rarities such as the original version of "Are you receiving me?" which I didn't even know existed, since I thought the remix on my version of "Tomorrow's just another day" was wrongly tagged. And live versions of songs and even has a live version of Hosono's Sports men, and YMO's key from one of his solo tours, since Hosono was a band member of his he sings them with the man himself. I can't credit the original uploader since there was no source. Don't let the artwork put you off and download this!

MP3 / 108MB


Great compilation of 80s girl bands and singers. Highlights on this one by far for me is Still's track, (which I've posted before as a bonus to their album) and chinatsu kuzuu's alternate version of Annabel Lee. Also features Virgin Rocks, Bárbara and ALI PROJECT among others.

MP3 / 96MB


Local hardcore from the mid 90s. vinyl rip

MP3 / 15.7 Mb

vedi wedi wubi

It's been a while, ne?
Some local Twee Rock from 1995. Vinyl Rip

MP3 / 14.5 Mb

vedi vedi i wub u

Japanese Post-rock, most of their songs go into symphonic-metal territory, one of my favourite albums this. Vocalist Haitis Noit fronts the band with her amazing operatic vocals, along with their guitarist who contributes some what I can only classify as "screamo" backing vocals on one or two songs which I don't listen to a lot but they're tolerable for me here. I don't really use this word a lot but I'd describe this album as "epic". This is their second album, their first has almost no vocals but it's also enjoyable.

僕たちの距離感 by 夢中夢 on Grooveshark

MP3 / 127MB


Dynamic and upbeat modern progressive rock/math rock. It's a really happy album and it's absolutely chaotic at some times... haven't heard anything like it before.
if you're wondering why the 28 minute long track has an included (Radio Edit) I think it's ironic

MP3 / 93MB
