Post-rock. Matryoshka is a Japanese duo formed by producer Sen and female vocalist Calu. This was released on the excellent Virgin Babylon records' label. It's pretty much perfect, if you like Post-rock/shoegaze/ambient or even a bit of classical in the slightest, then download this, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

My Funeral Rehearsal by Matryoshka on Grooveshark

MP3 / 74MB


One of the last things that was uploaded at the vault, so people might not have had the chance to get this, it's only a single so there's only two songs on this record, but it's quite a beautiful and haunting one.

1'ere Gymnopedie by Theatre of Cyrene on Grooveshark

MP3 / 16MB


Electronic/glitch album from 2/3 of YMO, though Ryuichi Sakamoto does collaborate on some tracks so you could call it half a YMO album, it's quite different in sound, it's definitely for the most part not synthpop, more ambient/experimental/glitchy. This is their first album and was followed up by two re-mix albums and also the equally as good if not better full album Loophole, which I'll upload soon.

Turn Turn by Sketch Show on Grooveshark

MP3 / 104MB


Obscure 90s progressive rock with Robert Fripp doing guitar work.

I have no clue about whoever is viewing this, but for me it sounds awful at first so just move around the video time and then go back to the beginning and it should fix the quality issue...

FLAC / 322MB


Some upbeat punk from the Vault, 1990

MP3 / 83 Mb


Soulympics by Zu on Grooveshark

A bastard child of metal and free jazz. Features Mike Patton on Soulympics and Orc.

FLAC / 355MB

MP3 / 114MB


I don't think I'll be uploading YMO's studio albums since they're quite popular and easily available, but what is often overlooked is their few live albums, this one is my favorite, this is a recording of their final live show (before their first split) and it was also the same recording as in the YMO film mixed in with bits of concert footage on each song, PROPAGANDA (If you ever get a chance to see it, please do, it's quite rare to find now, on DVD anyway, I think it's all on youtube). This is the band at their very best, the songs sound so much fuller and alive, I also love the changes from their studio versions, the small things, such as added vocals in Rydeen. This was mixed by Brian Eno.

The clip below is not from the PROPAGANDA release, well it is, it's just that the full concert was released on Laserdisc as a stand-alone, therefore free of spoilers.

MP3 / 112MB


Low quality. Buy this album, it's on Benten's site still for $22 US. I plan on getting it myself soon. It's worth it for Mummy The Peepshow's cover of City Baby Attacked by Rats alone.

Originally found on The Vault

MP3 / 30MB


This is nothing like Waiting, it's actually a lot more jazz inspired this time around...

The Black Pyramid by Dakota Suite on Grooveshark

MP3 / 77.2MB


The lead singer and guitarist from the famous Japanese punk band The Blue Hearts' third band, after that and The High-Lows, imo, this band is the boys at their best, just great catchy punk rock, not often a dull moment. The thing is though, the band is not as popular as the latter two, but still has a moderately high following. I'll probably upload all their albums on here sooner or later. Be sure to check out a live performance of theirs, the lead singer, Hiroto, is almost 50 but you wouldn't think it with how much energy he has, he can be quite crazy at times.

エイトビート by ザ・クロマニヨンズ on Grooveshark

MP3 / 120MB


As a tribute to THE VAULT, I'm going to be putting up some of my favorite albums from the classic blog that can currently be found no where else. THE NEWS is probably my greatest discovery on that site, and thus how I will start this short "series."

Do! Do! Do!

MP3 / 25 Mb

Motto Jiyuu Ni

MP3 / 28 Mb


MP3 / 87 Mb

Dareka no Zeitaku de Korosa Retakuhanai

MP3 / 127 Mb

Yobu Koe Kakaki Kesare, Naku Koe ha Todoka Nai

MP3 / 110 Mb

Aozora ga Mie Takotomoatta

MP3 / 66 Mb

xoxoxo the ever humble vedi

Amazing goth/post-punk album by fiction, a band which earlier went under the name GILLE' LOVES fronted by vocalist LUCI'FER LUSCIOUS Violenoue, G-Schmitt fans will most definitely like this one, it's just fantastic, very dark, I can't really describe it much further, so go and give it a listen.

LUCIFERという名のお人形 by Fiction on Grooveshark

MP3 / 43MB


Delicious electronic music/symphonic prog. Very dramatic. If you enjoyed Force Majeure  at some point then you'll like this just as much.

Full Moon Flyer by Synergy on Grooveshark

MP3 / 82.8MB


One of my favorite new wave albums. Not a single track of filler and each track sounds unique. Very refreshing.

セイレーン by ZELDA on Grooveshark

MP3 / 50MB
